Tag: Real Estate Title

Posted on 12/10/2021
Title Searches: How to Conduct Them & Why You Should
Photo by Gerd Altmann via Pixabay There are many title companies available to complete a title search for you. However, if you’re trying to reduce some of the costs associated with buying a property, you can complete a title search on your own and potentially save hundreds of dollars. 1. Identify the Property Start by gathering as much...
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Posted on 11/15/2019
Probate: How to Hold Your Real Estate Title
Photo by Jonny Lindner via Pixabay When you purchase real estate, you need to decide how you want to hold the title. Many closing agents make an assumption, and that assumption may come back to bite you later in life. In most states, you may title real estate in five ways: sole ownership, joint tenancy with the right...
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